At Greenleaf, our development process is driven by experience, expertise, and innovation. Our highly skilled and dedicated team methodically navigates every stage of project development, from initial site identification to financial close. Our approach centres on three key pillars: Originate, optimise, and deliver.


Project origination marks the beginning of the journey to sustainable energy solutions. This phase involves a comprehensive assessment of technical, environmental, and land-related factors and community analysis to determine project viability. Through preliminary financial modelling and early engagement with landholders, we gain valuable insights into each project’s feasibility and potential.


Greenleaf Renewables is committed to optimising every aspect of project development to aim for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Our unique approach to landholder and community engagement builds trust and collaboration from the outset. We work closely with stakeholders to address concerns, refine project design, and align objectives, laying the groundwork for successful outcomes.


Following rigorous assessment by regulatory authorities and on the basis of receiving approval for our projects, our focus shifts to the final stages of development and delivery. This involves securing a grid connection agreement, negotiating contracts with delivery partners, and finalising all financial components. By adhering to rigorous technical standards and commercial practices, we strive for projects that are delivered on time, on budget, and to the highest standards of quality.

Project Development Lifecycle

Key development stages

Origination & Feasibility

  1. 1

    Project origination

    Conducting preliminary assessments and financial modelling to determine project viability.

  2. 2

    Landholder and Traditional Owner engagement

    Securing land access and working collaboratively with landholders to address technical and commercial considerations. Establishing relationships with the Traditional owners to ensure the project causes no harm to Cultural heritage and complies with any Native title determinations.

  3. 3

    Community and Stakeholder engagement

    Engaging with a broad range of stakeholders to build trust through a transparent approach, while ensuring collaboration throughout the development of the project.

Planning & Technical

  1. 4

    Planning and technical development

    Completion of all technical and environmental assessments for submission of development approval applications and environmental referrals to regulatory bodies.

  2. 5

    Project approvals

    Obtaining all necessary approvals to facilitate the projects construction, operation and decommissioning.

  3. 6

    Grid connection

    Initiating the grid connection process and securing formal agreements with network service providers.

Commercial & Delivery

  1. 7

    Commercial delivery

    Negotiating contracts for project infrastructure and achieving financial close to begin construction.

Our Philosophy

As renewable energy project developers, Greenleaf focuses on best for Project outcomes.

Our Projects

Our core focus is wind farm projects, but we respect the evolving energy market, and the role of diversity in the energy mix.

Our Team

A team of highly experienced individuals working hard to deliver outcomes.

Community Engagement

Greenleaf respects and appreciates that communities are an important stakeholder.

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